limitpoker| The latest decline in the number of shareholders in GEM stocks

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[list of the latest decline in the number of shareholders of gem] Securities TimesLimitpokerHey, Securities Times? Data treasure statistics show that 20 gem stocks have been announced.LimitpokerOn May 10, compared with the previous period (April 30), the number of shareholder households decreased in 7, of which 3 decreased by more than 5%.Limitpoker.Limitpoker..

Text of news flash

[the latest decline in the number of shareholders of gem] Securities Times Network News, Securities Times? Data treasure statistics show that 20 gem stocks announced the number of shareholder households on May 10, compared with the previous period (April 30), the number of shareholder households decreased in 7, of which the number of shareholder households dropped by more than 5%. The number of shareholder households increased by 11 compared with the previous month. The largest decline in the number of shareholder households is Shenzhen Chengjiao. As of May 10, the latest number of shareholder households was 32624, down 12.83% from April 30. Since the concentration of chips, the stock has fallen 4.39%, and the cumulative turnover rate is 62.28%. During this period, the net outflow of the main capital was 118 million yuan. Followed by Huichuan Technology, the latest number of shareholders as of May 10 was 60795, down 8.33% from April 30. since the concentration of chips, the stock has risen 6.22%, with a cumulative turnover rate of 3.33%. The latest number of shareholders of Hengshuai shares is 6795, down 6.85% from the previous month. Since the concentration of chips, the share price has risen 1.55%, with a cumulative turnover rate of 7.12%.

limitpoker| The latest decline in the number of shareholders in GEM stocks

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