realslotsforrealmoneyonline| Bank of America: Japan expected to limit foreign exchange intervention to maintain reserves

Gelonghui April 30| Bank of America's Shusuke Yamada and Izumi Devalier said in a report that Japan's Ministry of Finance's foreign exchange intervention this year is unlikely to exceed US$327 billion. this value isrealslotsforrealmoneyonlineThey are against Japan 1realslotsforrealmoneyonline.3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves estimated by deposits and short-term securities. They said intervention could increase if the yen depreciates by more than 170 against the dollar. Japanese authorities "may not want foreign exchange reserves to fall below US$1 trillion because of the psychological impact it would have." The Japanese government has not formally confirmed its intervention yesterday when the yen strengthened against the dollar.

realslotsforrealmoneyonline| Bank of America: Japan expected to limit foreign exchange intervention to maintain reserves

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