pokerleague| The launch meeting of the national key R & D plan project led by Shuanghui was successfully held in Luo

May 23pokerleagueThe kick-off meeting for the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Key R & D Plan "Key Technology Research and Development and Industrialization Demonstration of Meat Products Intelligent Manufacturing and Informatization Unmanned Factory" project led by Shuanghui was successfully held in Luohe. This project belongs to the national key special project of "Science and Technology Support for Food Manufacturing and Agricultural Product Logistics" and is the first time that Shuanghui has taken the lead in undertaking the highest-level scientific research project in the country. The research team consists of China Meat Food Comprehensive Research Center, Institute of Agricultural Products Processing of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Technology and Business University, Dalian University of Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Hefei University of Technology, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Northeast Agricultural University, Tianjin Agricultural College and other units.

The meeting invited Wang Zhe, a researcher at the China Society of Food Science and Technology, Liu Donghong, Dean of the School of Biosystems Engineering and Food of Zhejiang University, Zhang Yuhao, Dean of the School of Food Science and Technology of Southwest University, Huang Xianqing, Dean of the School of Food Science and Technology of Henan Agricultural University, and Wu Lan, Dean of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Henan University of Technology, and Li Haixia, Manager of Hebei Xiaojin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., served as experts in the expert group. Ma Xiangjie, President of Shuanghui Development, said in his speech that undertaking national key R & D plans should be regarded as an important task in implementing the national science and technology strategy. It is necessary to work closely with scientific research units to carry out key technology research around intelligent manufacturing of meat products and digital unmanned factories, and accelerate the implementation of results and accelerate the application of intelligent meat manufacturing technology and the construction of digital factories.

Wang Shouwei, chairman of the Meat Processing Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, the project recommending unit, put forward high expectations on the project implementation's role in promoting technological progress and industrial upgrading in the meat product industry, and is full of expectations for the upcoming results of the project.

In his speech, Wang Jun, Director of the Industrial Science and Technology Division of the China Rural Technology Development Center, emphasized the strategic significance of this project to the development of the meat products industry, and hoped that the smooth implementation of this project would lay a good foundation for the "15th Five-Year Plan". Project mobility specialist Liu Shuxun conducted project implementation and management training, and gave detailed explanations on project management, fund use and other aspects. Meng Shaohua, the project leader and vice president of Shuanghui Development, reported on the project execution and management plan, which mainly included the overall goals and assessment indicators of the project, research content and task division, technical route and research methods, work plan and time arrangement, and funding budget. Benefit analysis, organizational management and guarantee measures, implementation and development of basic work, etc., and focused on elaborating the "three start-up questions" of the project. The five project leaders reported on the projects they undertook.

Experts discussed the problems existing in the project plan and put forward practical suggestions. Wang Zhe, leader of the expert group, emphasized that among the food industries such as grain, oil, meat, eggs and milk, meat products have the highest output value. The implementation of this project is of great significance. The project team must plan in advance to ensure the completion of various assessment indicators and contribute to the development of my country's meat industry. Make contributions.

pokerleague| The launch meeting of the national key R & D plan project led by Shuanghui was successfully held in Luo

This meeting was a complete success. As the project leader, Shuanghui will take the implementation of this project as an opportunity to lead the high-quality development of the meat industry by accelerating the application of intelligent meat manufacturing technology and the construction of digital factories.

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