75bonuspoker| Many places remind Shen to enter the online ride-hailing industry: transportation capacity is saturated. Netizens: Not only online ride-hailing, but also couriers and takeaways.

Since the beginning of this year, transportation management departments across the country have issued risk warnings for the online ride-hailing industry, reminding companies and individuals to enter the industry carefully. Data shows that the multi-network ride-hailing capacity has been saturated or exceeds actual demand. Some online ride-hailing platforms are not active in operation, and the average daily order volume is low, no more than 20 orders. The operating status of employees is not optimistic.

On May 20, the Transportation Bureau of Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province issued a notice stating that the urban online ride-hailing capacity has become saturated. The average daily order for bicycles is about 15, and the average daily income is about 240 yuan. The notice proposes three risk warning tips75bonuspoker: First, enter the online ride-hailing market cautiously; second, have an in-depth understanding of operational risks; and third, operate legally and in compliance.

On the same day, the Transportation Bureau of Yingtan City released data showing that the average daily order volume of online ride-hailing is 175bonuspoker.670,000 units, the average daily order volume of bicycles is 14, and the average daily income is 205 yuan. Remind enterprises and personnel to fully understand the characteristics of the market and avoid blindly entering the market.

In April, the Suzhou City Transportation Bureau released information showing that the average daily order volume of online ride-hailing in Suzhou City was 554,900, the average daily order volume of bicycles was 15.04, and the average daily revenue was approximately 350.14 yuan. Chongqing City Road Transportation Affairs Center reminds that online ride-hailing capacity in the central Urban area far exceeds demand and operational risks are high.

In May, the Transportation Bureaus of Putian City and Shangqiu City also issued risk warnings respectively to remind the current market situation and potential risks, pointing out that transportation capacity was saturated and revenue fell.

75bonuspoker| Many places remind Shen to enter the online ride-hailing industry: transportation capacity is saturated. Netizens: Not only online ride-hailing, but also couriers and takeaways.

To sum up, data from the multi-network ride-hailing industry shows that capacity has become saturated, the total market order volume and the average daily order volume for bicycles have not changed much, and revenue is difficult to meet expectations. Local management departments remind companies and individuals interested in engaging in the online ride-hailing industry to enhance risk awareness and make rational choices to avoid operating losses. At the same time, emphasizing the importance of legal and compliant operations, engaging in online ride-hailing operations without applying for relevant certificates will be regarded as illegal and illegal activities.

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